
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Direct Misfire Missive: Covid Entertainment
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Join Bensome, Sellick and Huw as we have a quick chat about what we've been doing during our Australian lock down!
Between avoiding sneezes and dodging handshakes we've been thinking about you and want to know how you're getting through the covid19 pandemic!
We're busy editing another podcast and rolling dice for Kings of Fightclub so get involved give us a listen!
We ;ook forward to hearing from you all on facebook or twitter!
Kings of War - Universal Battle 2 facebook group
Kings of War - UB2 Australian Discord

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Direct Misfire Missive: Third thoughts & Australian ranking changes
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
After a few months amid the great Australian toilet paper crisis, Direct Misfire thought it was time for some third edition thoughts.
Bensome, Huw and Sellick dive into some of their thoughts on the new edition, rules and tournaments before touching on the changes to the Kings of War Australian ranking system!
So stop your toilet paper hording, grab a drink, strap on your headphones and give us a listen!
- Sellick
Dont forget to vote on FB or Twitter!
Convic 2020 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1245605632497019/

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Direct Misfire Missive: CoK Au 2020 wrap up
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Live, unhinged, and recorded in Canberra; home of the Clash of Kings Australia 2020! Joined by special guests Andrew and Viv, the fellas discuss their predictions for the event before recounting their experiences.
Recorded over 2 days, the audio on this one isn't the greatest as the setup is different from the usual (so don't get used to it - this isn't going to be the new standard).
Also for those with delicate sensibilities be warned. There's a few naughty words thrown about during the course of conversations.

Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Direct Misfire Missive: 2019 wrap up
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
As the year is coming to a close the fellas thought it might be nice to have a chat about the year that was.
Join Bensome, Sellick, and Huw and they present the equivalent podcast version of a filler episode. They share the good, the bad, their hopes and dreams for 2020, as well as a swathe of other minor talking points.
I've said it before and i'll say it again (seriously, look at the 2018 wrap up blurb); from all the guys at Direct Misfire I'd sincerely like to thank you all for sticking with us and to continue enabling our obsession with war gaming.
Take care of yourselves and each other over the holiday period.

Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Direct Misfire Missive: 3rd ed tourneys and the KoW Oz Masters
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
The third edition has dropped and with it, the first couple of third edition tournaments!
Join the fellas once more as they numerate of some of the changes in V3, recount their experience in the latest Mikecon tournament, and Mr "At least i didn't come last in the Aussie Masters" Huw retells the ups and downs of attending the KoW Masters for 2019.
** If you wanted to check out the Masters lists, pop on over to our Twitter feed and check this tweet:
(but seriously, well done Huw for competing in the 2019 Masters tournament)

Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Direct Misfire Missive: KoW 3rd edition rules and sneak peeks!
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Hark! Do thine ears deceive you? Nay, they do not for what you are about to experience is truth! Kyle "Pretzel" Przelenski, The Master of Crafted, joins the cast to open cans of worms, spill the beans, and upturn this barrel of monkeys.
What does that mean? It means Kings of War 3rd edition rule leaks, that's what.
Unveiled in this episode are a mixed bag of assorted special rules, interactions, future releases and *shock* the new armies revealed*.
* I apologise in advance ~Bensome

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Tournament Wrap up & 3rd Edition Rumours
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
" What's this.. another episode.. but that's... two in a month!"
That's right imaginary person - Bensome, Sellick and our extra salty guest Huw, return to chat through a couple of tournaments Convic & Hammerfall. We then finish with a quick chat about 3rd edition rumours that are floating about the deepest corners of the internet.
With the extra content in this cast, it's a touch longer than your average commute, so feel free to just stay on that train cause work can wait. We may be frozen by the 3rd edition Kings of War releasing in a few weeks but, let us warm, and distract your hearts for the next hour and a half.
Hope Enjoy!
Dont' forget to join the discussion on twitter and Facebook , where you can vote for the next Cloud Giant unit!

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Direct Misfire Missive: Interview with Jeff Traish (KoW world champion)
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Hear ye, hear ye! Announcing the arrival of his royal highness. Slayer of fiends, lord of the tabletop, ruler or all, the Jeffrey of Traish!
Yes, the long awaiting episode that was so good we had to record it twice. Champion of the World and all round gentleman Jeff Traish joins the cast to recount his victory over all others in the worldwide KoW UB tournament "Call to Arms 2".
He's mastered the game now he'll master your heart as the worlds best Kings of War player serenades you with some tips, tricks, and some nasty combos.

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Direct Misfire Missive: Low point games
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Bensome, Sellick and special guest Huw return to the netisphere to discuss more Kings of War! "Low point" is an apt description of today's cast as it's all about strats, lists and the do's and do not's of low point games.
Also for added value Ronnie send is love with a very important message that no one should miss. Yes it would be easier to transcribe what he said into this description for your convenience but bugger ya; If you want dessert you need to eat your veggies. :p

Friday May 10, 2019
Direct Misfire Missive: CoK19 Spells and Artefact breakdown
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
You can't get rid of them that easily!
That's right, the lads have returned to caress your eardrums with their dulcet tones and harsh, abrupt censor bleeps. Join Bensome, Sellick and very special guest Huw as they chat about the spells and artefacts in the Clash of Kings 2019 supplement. Find out which items are worth your time and which spells are not.
All that and more on today's episode of Counterrr... Direct Misfire.