
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Direct Misfire: CoK Au 2019 round up
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
A new year, a new Clash of Kings Australia round-up. Bensome, Spoon, and Sellick return along with special guest Huw, to recap all that went down at Cancon 2019.
A language warning does apply for this episode, so keep the kiddies away lest you risk your children's ears from un-hearing some things. Also anyone who purses their lips at the sound of an f-bomb best you don't listen either.
Thou haveth been warned-eth.
Otherwise, enjoy!

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Direct Misfire Missive: 2018 wrap up and interview with Ronnie Renton
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Bensome, Spoon, and Sellick have survived another year and they're hear to tell you all about it. Keeping in theme with years end festivities, Mr Ronnie Renton joins the show to gift us with his presence and presents (audio only).
Once again, from all the guys at Direct Misfire, I'd sincerely like to thank you all for sticking with us and to continue enabling our obsession with war gaming.
Take care of yourselves and each other over the holiday period.

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Kings of War: The Herd army review
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Grab your halters, hoof picks, hand shears, and crook as Direct Misfire tackle the long-talked-about, often-delayed army review of The Herd!
Assisting Bensome corral the livestock are special guests Huw (from The Red Jokers fame) and head shepherd himself: Kris Kapsner (from the Lake SWATT fantasy squad podcast). Settle in as they deep dive into the throng, covering the army units, items, strats and formations.
Kris also drops a couple of exclusives from the upcoming Clash of Kings 2019 supplement!!!
*The Herd background story music taken from Syrinscape soundboard.
** Note, the audio quality isn't the greatest this ep. Teething problems with a new form of recording audio with online guests. This should be sorted by the next interview.

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Direct Misfire Missive: We're not dead yet
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
We're baaaack! Yep, the guys have returned from wherever it was they went and are ready to tell you all about it. More an exercise in "relearning how to podcast" than anything informative (but really, how often does that actually happen?), it's still better than nothing.
Join Bensome, Spoon and Sellick for a short but sweet auditory excursion as they try to explain their absence, find the answer to the greatest question ever asked, and solve all of life's mysteries*.
*non of this may actually have been recorded... just take our word for it.

Friday May 11, 2018
Direct Misfire Missive: Community Questions 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
While the weather around our part of the world is cooling down, the lads on the cast are heating up! Join Bensome, Spoon and special guest Huw as they answer questions posed by you, the community... again!
Thanks to all the champions who submitted questions. Without you this episode wouldn't exist. Is that i good thing or bad thing? Have a listen and find out!

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Direct Misfire: CoK 2018 Book review
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Bensome, Spoon and old mate Sellick have returned to give you a tasty treat in the form of a Clash of Kings book 2018 review!
Join them in this Fun sized episode they discuss the all the new toys including (but not limited to) artefacts, spells, new units and formations. Throw on a dollop of strats and techniques for using said new stuff and you'll surely be craving seconds.
Bon Appétit!

Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Direct Misfire: CoK Au 2018 round up
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Champions! We have returned (finally) to bring you all more podcasty goodness. Our first episode for the year has us straining to remember what happened at the Clash of Kings Au tournament. The heat from the oversized tin shed that is Cancon must have taken its toll.
We persevere in any case with the help from the man with more charm than a leprechaun, Huw (of "The Red Jokers" podcast fame).
So settle in for a recount of all 28 games... it's not that painful, I promise.
*check out The Red Jokers over here: https://www.facebook.com/RedJokers13/

Friday Dec 22, 2017
Direct Misfire's 2017 Year in Review
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Bensome, Spoon, and Sellick say goodbye for the last time... in 2017!
Join them as they recall best of times and the blurst of times as well as what they hope to achieve in the coming year.
To top it all off they "enjoy" a round of Kings of War flavoured "Kill Your Babies" (no actual babies are being killed, it's just a name #dontgettriggered).
From all the guys at Direct Misfire I'd sincerly like to thank you all for sticking with us and enabling our obsession with wargaming.
Take care of yourselves and each other over the holiday period.
Make safe choices :p

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Kings of War: The Brotherhood review
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Grab your saddle blankets, don your armour and prepare for the latest army review: The Brotherhood.
Join Bensome, Spoon and Sellick as they disassemble, discuss and diseminate everything about the 'Hood: from unit choices and why they're OP, to the various knighty-horsie miniature manufacturers.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Direct Misfire Missive: Questions from the community!
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
"Wise fwom your gwave!" The boys return after their short hibernation, refreshed and raring. Join them as they answer questions posed by you, the community! Also on the agenda they discuss the new in-development scoring system "Blackjack", rehash what's been going down in hobbyton and they give their initial thoughts on Vanguard. There's a lot on the plate this time 'round, can you digest it all?
Cancon tickets
Cancon players pack